
viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Me, you and me again makes 3 (TIO 02 Annoying one?)

 Knock knock!
I close the dOOoor.

Pew! pew!
little boy...(he walks away)
(in shadows he stays)

Come out to play.

Here is it!
  here is where it all begins
let your shades come to play
little flashes of shame, pinpoint of an empty room...

SOOoo empty!!
light and shadow can´t even be here,
what an awful chiaroscuro should that be!!

i hear a knock on the door...

is that you!
  is that me?
can´t distinguish at all... can you?

It is I who stands in one side and another...
the one knocking
and mocking
avoiding an answer.

It is me,
it is you
and is me again
then you, then me, then me, you, me, knee, me, he, free, you...
and me again... It makes perfect sense!!

Now, close the door,
before this Me! become something... not quite me.

Copyright © Derecho de Autor

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